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Petitioner's Opinions To Support For A Call For Fibroid Research & Education Act.
Signature No. Petitioner Locality Opinions
2130.  M.P Brighton If fybroids affected men we wouldn't need a petition
2129.  D.B London I have rcently been diagnosed as having fibroids and I am appalled at how little importance they seem to have in the medical world.
2128.  H.B Manchester
2127.  E.B Stratford Upon Avon After collapsing at home haemorrhaging, ambulance to A and E, HB 40, being told I was an hour away from death, 4 unit blood transfusion. u/s showed 10cm fibroid. My life turned upside down when told at 50 I needed a hysterectomy. Refused and found a wonderful eminent fibroid surgeon in London who did a myomectomy on me at age 51 4 weeks ago. Preserving my Uterus, Cervix and Ovaries. Late menopause runs in my family and I was utterly passionate about preserving my womb. Thank god for Nicki On who inspired me to fight for my womb. A million thank you\'s. I will keep in touch as my surgeon wants me to help with a video to promote myomectomy for all women of all ages. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
2126.  F.B Gillingham I am about to have a full hysterectomy, yet very little information has been provided to me. I had one GP appointment, one scan and one consultation with a registrar, by the end of which I had signed up for surgery. This is not informed consent!!!!!!
2125.  T.V Lancing I am too suffering, and have not had any help from GPS.
2124.  S.P Tamworth Women who have fibroid are in a helpless situation where they do not know what causes it and what they can do to prevent getting one. Hystrectomy or mymectomy or any surgery is not a solution.We need to know what causes it in the first pace so that it can be prevented or stopped from growing back. More research is surely required in this field.
2123.  C.H Dudley Fibroids are a source of misery for those who suffer from them thanks to the uncomfortable side-effects such as extended periods (mine has lasted 18 days so far this month and shows no sign of stopping) and pain in some cases.
2122.  M LONDON I think resarch should be done on the cause of fibroids
2121.  T.T Digby, Lincoln In this modern day and age there should be non surgical alternatives to this distressing and often debilitating problem. Too many women in the UK have had to undergo needless hysterectomies.
2120.  I.M Lusaka Any efforts directed at supporting this cause are in the right direction as more and more female lives are interrupted due to this illness. therefore im signing this petition to add to the masses of women who are asking for more research to be put in this effort
2119.  L.F Harrogate I\'ve had three years of hell living with ever increasing fibroids. I was told they would shrink with menopause but was never told that whilst waiting for menopause they may grow too big to operate on. I am now about to embark on esmya 3 months on 2 months off until menopause. I\'m only 47 so this could go on for some time.
2118.  C.I Belvedere
2117.  D.G Necton
2116.  E.O Sevenoaks
2115.  K.O Sevenoaks More research needed! Disgraceful lack of treatment and options considering how many women are affected.
2114.  C.B BRISTOL I have a friend who is immense pain with this..i have just been diagnosed with a small so say 7mm but i'm sure they measure in cm no mm..and i'm still getting pain and tird all the time and i'm older with a young son..i'm not lazy but feel ill all the time and expected to go back to work in two months time when my boy is 5...i physically struggle..i'm a single mum and no one understands ..i just wish more was done to help with this..the doctors don't understand and think we are complaining and then trying to find out what is wrong..and i'm chasing it all to get answers.
2113.  L.M LONDON
2112.  R.S Sheffield I have seen firsthand the horrible symptoms of fibroids, and the negative effects it has on work, relationships and life in general. It seems difficult to find a sympathetic or knowledgable doctor, and my partner has been waiting a long time to see a consultant in Sheffield. Her GP recently advised her that the NHS Gynae dept has 'some issues' and to 'go private' which I thought was shocking and sad. Why isn't good treatment/service available on the NHS, which we have both paid into all our lives?
2111.  G.S Leeds
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