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Petitioner's Opinions To Support For A Call For Fibroid Research & Education Act.
Signature No. Petitioner Locality Opinions
2381.  L.S Southsea
2380.  E.O Stoke-on-Trent It has taken me 10 years to get my diagnosis, and in that time I’ve heard numerous medical professionals tell me it’s part of being a woman, something every woman deals with which has been absolutely heart breaking and I’m still coming to terms with knowing I was right in knowing my body, knowing something wasn’t right but wasn’t listened to. It makes you question and doubt everything. Following a diagnosis all I’ve been offered is the contraceptive pill which isn’t designed to treat fibroids and if I decide to have children, what do I do then? The condition effects all parts of my life and that of my husband. It doesn’t just effect me, it effects those closest to me and my ability to work and how I choose to live my life. I will deliberately avoid doing things because of my condition and I can be house bound for days either due to pain or because of fear of being able to make it to a toilet on time. More needs to be done, more treatment options and more education so it’s not on me to educate people on my condition when I still don’t fully understand what’s going on myself. No woman should have to fight for years for a diagnosis.
2379.  S.B Manchester
2378.  H.E Liverpool
2374.  R.A Bristol
2373.  K.S Kilmarnock
2372.  S.P Penshaw Why should I have to have a full hysterectomy? no other options available to me ive been told? what about the Acessa method that seems popular and less invasive in the US? what about laser or radiology methods? I just want to be rid of these monsters that ruin your life in the least intrusive way along with many other people in the world, help needed.
2371.  L.G Southampton There is not enough research into fibroids and women are sent home to suffer without help or even sympathy with a big impact on having a normal life and quality of life.
2370.  M.R.L Cambridge I am suffering with a fibroid. I had UAE on it in February 2017 and it shrunk from 5 cm to 3 cm, and is now 1.4 cm. It is still causing me symptoms and medical professionals don't believe me that I am still in a lot of pain. I have stopped working because of the pain I am in. More research needs to be done on fibroids urgently.
2369.  G Wellington
2368.  G Wellington
2365.  P.I London
2364.  M.E Melbourne Many doctors do not have the skills to perform myomectomies and are only offering hysterectomies to their patients. Far more research is required to understand how fibroids are caused and to treat hormones effectively.
2363.  S.S Vines Cross
2362.  G.M London More research needs to be done Immediatly
2361.  N.N Yaxley
2359.  H Garhoud
2358.  A.W London My fibroids were so large when they were diagnosed that the best option for treatment is invasive myomectomy surgery and a lengthy period of recovery. I fully support more research and a better scheme for early detection, monitoring and treatment.
2356.  A.O Huddersfield I need a medication that will work on my little fibroid so I can get pregnant
2355.  J.B Shrewsbury
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